Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Let's Keep America a Democracy

I am terrified at the current state of our "Government". Not simply because I am a Conservative, but seeing the indifference most people have towards the direction the Democrats are taking us.
Why do Democrats blindly follow what their "leaders" tell them to listen to, and believe in?
Don't they see that the hidden agenda of the Triad......Pelosi/Reid/Obama...has for America?
How many of the citizens of our nation see that B. Hussein Obama is merely a puppet for the Far Left and Pelosi's virulent view of where we are to be as a nation?
I have set up this blog so that real Americans, Republican and Democrat, can express their views and argue their cases.
I am hoping to reach as many real thinking Americans as possible, so we, together, can let Washington know we are done with the games and lies that we have lived with for far too long.
I don't want just name calling and trash talking. Post what you want, but be decent and fair.
If you support Socialism as Pelosi and Reid do, let us know why we should no longer be the Greatest nation on Earth, and join the ranks of Third World Socialist nations that are overrun by Terrorists and corruption.
All opinions will be respected, but only if they are supported with FACTS.

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